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As a fiduciary, your clients’ trust is your most valuable asset – but if you’re not in compliance with the latest rules and regulations, the consequences could be severe.

Assess your business model and audit your regulatory risk with a free four-module course that prepares you for the Certified Financial Fiduciary®* Program.

The 4-module course with self-paced assessments includes:

  • Understanding PTE 2020-02
  • Best interest standard
  • PTE 84-24 & TE 2020-02 present and future
  • Fiduciary responsibilities, rollovers, and more
Fill out the form to download your free mini-course and start future-proofing yourself for greater client satisfaction and business success.



Future-Proof Yourself for Greater Client Satisfaction.

*The American College of Financial Services does not own the certification mark Certified Financial Fiduciary®. Certified Financial Fiduciary® is the property of the National Association of Certified Financial Fiduciaries® (NACFF®), which it awards to individuals who successfully complete the NACFF®’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.